Romans 3:4

Let God be true, and every man a liar... Romans 3:4

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Woke up at 2:00AM on the morning of Hurricane Sandy because of the howling wind and went to the computer to read about it. The coverage is much the same as when our family experienced Hurricanes Bonnie, Dennis and Floyd in the late 1990s: "The world is coming to an end!", and then the sun shines brightly the following day. The bad news is Jersey and New York have been dealt a heavy blow. The good news is Perfect Storm Sandy pushes Barack Hussein Obama off the Drudge Report a week before the election. New York trumpeter Mark Gould quipped, "They should have named it A-Rod and it wouldn't have hit anything." But then I went to my favorite political website, The American Thinker ( Someone has written a post mortem of the 2012 campaign and why Romney won ("Mitt's Royal Slam" by J.R. Dunn). Isn't it just a bit early for a post mortem? It ain't over yet! And though I'm confident that Obama's Reign of Error is coming to an inglorious end, we're still talking about Republicans here. I live in rural Indiana, and there is no way that a Republican Senate candidate can lose in this atmosphere, right? Google "Richard Mourdock" and see how he has self-destructed his campaign. I'm voting for him, but he's a doofus. Barack Hussein Obama failed as President because he sold himself as The One We've Been Waiting For. The styrofoam columns, the soaring rhetoric, and healing the planet single-handedly is heady stuff indeed. Those who became AT readers didn't buy it, but many others did. Obama used white guilt to get himself elected. The Republicans dutifully nominated The Next In Line as token opposition, and so the country bought the snake oil. It all worked wonderfully. In reality, though, Obama oversold himself. No man except The Savior possesses the ability to do what he claimed he could do. Just as in a classic Greek tragedy, it was inevitable that his conceit and hubris, and also his laziness, would do him in. The chorus repeated "Don't do that!" over and over, but The Hero pressed on blindly. Read more:

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